Številka 5/2003 ~ Issue 5/2003
Marko Juvan: Stil in identiteta. Jezik in slovstvo. 5/2003. 3–18.
Stilne raziskave v literarni vedi so – po zatonu paradigem, utemeljenih na obravnavi besedila in avtorja – doživele temeljite kritike (tekstocentričnost, estetska ideologija, organicizem, dualizem). Kontekstualistični pristopi v literarni vedi in jezikoslovju pa pojmu 'stil' dajejo novo veljavo, in sicer v navezi z družboslovno koncepcijo 'življenjskega stila': stil je indeksalni znak identitete besedila in njegovega subjekta v mnogojezičju kulture.
Marko Juvan: Style and Identity. Jezik in slovstvo. 5/2003. 3–18.
After the decline of the paradigm, based on the treatment of the text and author, research styles in literary studies became subject to serious criticism (textcentricity, aesthetic ideology, organicism, dualism). Contextual approaches in literary studies and linguistics ascribe a new significance to the notion of ‘style’ as correlated with the humanistic conception of ‘life-style’: style is an index of the identity of a text and its subject in the multilingual aspect of culture.
Boris Paternu: Lipušev novi preboj regionalizma. Jezik in slovstvo. 5/2003. 19–24.
Florjan Lipuš (1937) je s svojo sodobno povestjo Boštjanov let (2003) ustvaril izrazit primer proze, ki je po svojem tematskem in jezikovnem, celo narečnem izvoru koroška, regionalna, po svoji povednosti in slogovni zmogljivosti pa odprta v svet moderne literarne kulture. V središču dogajanja je otrokova (Boštjanova) vojna in jezikovna travma, pa tudi travma zakotnega konservativnega okolja, iz katerih se mukoma prebija v svojo drugačnost in prostost. Jezikovna strategija pripovedi vsebuje močno notranjo napetost med jezikovno arhaiko, ki jo Lipuš vzdigne v sodobni književni jezik, in moderno intelektualizacijo ter stilizacijo, ki ju hkrati potaplja nazaj v danes starodavni ljudski, narečni govor. Ni čisto naključje, da je v času nivelizirajoče globalizacije, ta jezikovna okrepitev slovenščine prišla prav iz območja njene največje ogroženosti, ki je Lipuša močno prizadela že v otroških letih.
Boris Paternu: Lipuš and his New Defeat of Regionalism. Jezik in slovstvo. 5/2003. 19–24.
With his contemporary narrative Boštjanov let (2003), Florjan Lipuš (1937) created an example of prose which is Carinthian, regional in its thematic and linguistic or even dialectal origins; with its content and stylistic aptitude, however, it is open to the world of modern literary culture. The main focus of the book is on a child’s (Boštjan’s) war and linguistic trauma, and a trauma arising from the provincial and conservative environment from which he painfully works his way through towards his own otherness and freedom. The linguistic strategy of the narration incorporates a strong inner tension between linguistic archaism, which Lipuš raises to the level of contemporary literary language, and modern intellectualisation and stylisation that he simultaneously lowers into what is today an ancient folk, dialectal discourse. It is hardly a coincidence that at the time of an enveloping globalisation this linguistic fortification of the Slovene language has come forth in the area that is linguistically most endangered, a fact which had seriously affected Lipuš in his young days.
Neža Zajc: Škofjeloški pasijon – med vero in dvomom. Jezik in slovstvo. 5/2003. 25–37.
Članek poskuša z obravnavo prvega slovenskega dramskega zapisa zgoščeno podati osrednje interesne smernice njegovega proučevanja. Osvetlitev literarno-zgodovinskih okoliščin nastanka pasijona naj bi utemeljila zvrstno pripadnost ter posebno skladanje z osnovnimi načeli literarno-umetnostne dobe baroka. Uvrstitev v tri t. i. različne smeri baroka, ki pomenijo obenem tudi različne ravni upodobitve, naj bi predstavila kompleksnost baročne dobe nasploh ter odprla problematiko položaja, v katerem se nahaja literarno delo v tistem času. Jezikovna ter predvsem ozko slogovna analiza naj bi potrdila ustrezno literarno-teoretsko opredelitev Škofjeloškega pasijona ter se dotaknila še neraziskanih poti proučevanja tega dramskega besedila.
Neža Zajc: Škofja Loka Passion – Between Religion and Doubt. Jezik in slovstvo. 5/2003. 25–37.
With the treatment of the first recorded Slovene play, this article makes an attempt to give a concise portrayal of the main lines of interest for its studying. The elucidation of the literary and historical background concerning the origins of the Passion is attempted in order to ascertain its genre and a special concordance with the basic principles of the Baroque literary and art period. The placement into three different strands of the Baroque, which also signify the different levels of representation, was used to present the complexity of the Baroque in general and to open up the problem of the status ascribed to the literary work of that period. A linguistic, and above all, a detailed stylistic analysis was applied to confirm the appropriate literary and theoretical definition of the Škofja Loka Passion and to touch upon the still non-researched ways of examining this dramatic piece.
Alenka Žbogar: Srednješolske književne vsebine na recepcijskem situ. Jezik in slovstvo. 5/2003. 39–50.
V razpravi je osvetljena kompleksnost in odgovornost procesa izbire in diferenciacije srednješolskih književnih vsebin. Navedeni so kriteriji, ki jih pri tem velja upoštevati. Teoretična izhodišča teorije recepcije, didaktike književnosti in literarne teorije (konkretno kratke zgodbe in novele) ter izsledki eksperimenta, izvedenega med dijaki 4. letnika gimnazije in srednje strokovne in tehniške šole, so služili sooblikovanju kriterijev. Predstavljeno je, kaj radi berejo mlajši in starejši pubertetniki, za slednje pa tudi, kako berejo. Članek sklepajo konkretni predlogi umetnostnih besedil (kratkih zgodb in novel) in pojmov za interpretacijo, diferenciranih za različne stopnje (prvi ter četrti letnik) ter programe izobraževanja (gimnazije in 4-letne srednje strokovne in tehniške šole).
Alenka Žbogar: High School Literary Themes on the Reception Sieve. Jezik in slovstvo. 5/2003. 39–50.
The article elucidates the complexity and responsibility of the process of choice and differentiation in high school literary themes. The criteria that need to be taken into consideration are provided. Theoretical starting-points of the reception theory, literary didactics and literary theory (short stories and novels to be more concrete) and the results of an experiment carried out with 4th year grammar school and vocational school pupils were used when creating the criteria. A presentation is made on what younger and older teenagers like to read, and for the latter also how they read. The article concludes with concrete proposals of literary texts (short stories and novels) and notions for interpretation, differentiated according to various levels (first and fourth year), and educational programmes (grammar school and four-year vocational school).
Simona Kranjc: Ljubica Marjanovič Umek in Urška Fekonja, Pripovedovanje zgodbe kot možni pristop za ugotavljanje otrokovega govornega razvoja. Jezik in slovstvo. 5/2003. 51–63.
Avtorice v besedilu predstavljajo svojo raziskavo o razvoju otrokovega pripovedovanja zgodb. Pri analizi in ugotavljanju stopnje otrokove jezikovne zmožnosti, kot se kaže v samostojnem pripovedovanju, upoštevajo številne že izoblikovane kriterije, ki jih zaradi popolnejše slike dopolnijo z lastnimi kriteriji. Ti zadevajo predvsem kohezijo in koherenco pripovedovanega besedila. Rezultati raziskave potrjujejo razlike med starostnimi skupinami v obeh opisanih kriterijih. Povezanost med koherentnostjo in kohezivnostjo zgodbe (glede na oba delna rezultata), ki jo povedo štiri- in osemletni otroci, je visoka in statistično pomembna. Prav tako je statistično pomembna povezanost med koherentnostjo in skupnim rezultatom kohezivnosti ter prvim delnim rezultatom, to je tematsko razporeditvijo, v zgodbah šestletnih otrok, medtem ko je povezanost med koherentnostjo in drugim delnim rezultatom kohezivnosti, to je sredstvi za ohranjanje reference, nizka in statistično nepomembna.
Simona Kranjc: Ljubica Marjanovič Umek and Urška Fekonja, Story-telling as a Possible Approach to Determining Children’s Speech Development. Jezik in slovstvo. 5/2003. 51–63.
In the article the authors present their research on the development of children’s story telling. They take into consideration numerous already-formed criteria for the purpose of analysis and determination of the level of a child’s linguistic competence, as demonstrated in his or her independent story telling, and add their own when necessary to achieve a more complex picture of the situation. The latter are usually concerned with cohesion and coherence of the narration. The research findings confirm the differences within various age groups for both described criteria. The correlation between coherence and cohesion of the story (looking at both partial results), narrated by four- and eight-year old children, is high and statistically significant. Also statistically significant is the correlation between coherence and the final result concerning cohesion and the first partial result concerning the thematic distribution of the stories told by six-year old children, while correlation between coherence and the other partial result concerning cohesion, namely the means of retaining reference, is low and statistically insignificant.
Nina Drstvenšek: Vloga besedilnega korpusa pri postavitvi geselskega članka v enojezičnem slovarju. Jezik in slovstvo. 5/2003. 65–81.
Članek ponazori uporabo besedilnega korpusa pri postavitvi geselskega članka v enojezičnem slovarju. V uvodu opiše, kako korpusi prispevajo h kakovosti leksikografskega dela, v nadaljevanju pa se osredotoči na kognitivni profil, ki ga izdelamo s pomočjo analize korpusnih konkordanc. Iz kognitivnega profila je moč razbrati predvsem dva tipa podatkov: pomene iztočnice, ki so izpričani v korpusu, in slovnično-pomenske vzorce, ki se vežejo na posamezne pomene. Članek preveri, kako lahko tako pridobljene podatke uporabimo kot ogrodje za sestavo geselskega članka, in zaključuje s predvidevanji o (delni) avtomatizaciji postopka.
Nina Drstvenšek: The Role of a Reference Corpus in the Compilation of an Entry Article in a Monolingual Dictionary. Jezik in slovstvo. 5/2003. 65–81.
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the use of a reference corpus in the compilation of an entry article in a monolingual dictionary. In the first part the contribution of corpora to the quality of lexicographical work is examined. Part two focuses on the cognitive profile, the result of an analysis of corpus lines of a lexeme. Two types of linguistic data can be extracted from the cognitive profile: the senses of a lexeme, as manifested in the corpus, and the lexico-grammatical patterns associated with the senses. The paper explores how this type of linguistic information can inform the set-up of an entry article. Finally, in the third part predictions are made about the automation of the process.