Številka 1–2/2010 ~ Issue 1–2/2010
Frančiška Buttolo: Postromantični lirski subjekt v poeziji s podpisom Fanny Haussmann. Jezik in slovstvo. 1–2/2010. 3–9.
O poeziji domnevno prve slovenske pesnice Fanny Haussmann sta najpomembnejši literarnozgodovinski ugotovitvi, da je v njej pesniški subjekt lirski (ker je objekt njegovega govora lastna subjektiviteta) in da je poznoromantičen, ker dojema kot najvišjo vrednoto svojo avtonomno notranjost, čeprav ta doživlja same poraze (prim. Grdina 1992: 80–83). Na takšen subjekt kažeta tudi glavni pesniški obliki te poezije: pesem podoba (v tretjeosebnem, ne v prvoosebnem neposrednem govoru) in vložnica (s fiktivnim subjektom, ki govori svojo vlogo). Tudi pričujoča analiza subjekta v poeziji Fanny Haussmann izhaja iz teh dveh načelnih ugotovitev, dokazuje pa tudi, da ta lirski subjekt ni le poznoromantičen, temveč že postromantičen, na skrajnem robu romantike, zlasti zaradi svoje popolne pasivnosti, svetobolja in jedke ironije. Seveda pa zavrača realistične vrednote, ki narekujejo upoštevanje biološke in zgodovinske stvarnosti.
Ključne besede: postromantika | lirski subjekt | pesem podoba | vložnica | romantična ironija | pozna romantika
Frančiška Buttolo: The Post-Romantic Lyrical Subject in Poetry Bearing the Signature of Fanny Haussmann. Jezik in slovstvo. 1–2/2010. 3–9.
The most important literary-historical findings on the poetry of Fanny Haussmann, who was presumably the first female Slovene poet, are firstly that the subject in this poetry is lyrical (because the object of its discourse is its own subjectivity) and that it is Late Romantic, as it perceives its own autonomous interior as the highest value, irrespective of the fact that this interior experiences only defeat (cf. Grdina 1992: 80–83). The two main poetic forms of this poetry also indicate such a subject: the object poem (in the third person, not in the first person direct speech) and the so-called “vložnica” (a poem with a fictitious subject who speaks his or her role). The present analysis of the subject in the poetry of Fanny Haussmann is derived from these two findings, while also demonstrating that the lyrical subject is not just Late Romantic but rather Post-Romantic, on the extreme edge of Romanticism, particularly due to its complete passivity, its world-weariness and its caustic irony. Of course, it rejects realistic values that dictate the respecting of biological and historical reality.
Keywords: Post-Romanticism | the lyrical subject | the object poem | “vložnica” | Romantic irony | Late Romanticis
Barbara Pregelj: Poti do literarne interpretacije: skica ob Francoskem testamentu Andreïa Makina. Jezik in slovstvo. 1–2/2010. 11–22.
V prispevku je predstavljeno interpretativno o(g)rodje, ki skuša pomagati pri branju v globino. Za ponazoritev si jemlje letošnje maturitetno besedilo, roman Francoski testament Andreïa Makina. Ob tem popiše posamezne stopnje interpretacije, konkretno pa se loti analitičnega dela razumevanja besedila, ki od počasnega, temeljitega branja, umestitve v širši kontekst, določitve teme prek strukture odlomka besedila predstavlja ogrodje literarne interpretacije. V njem skuša opozoriti na pomembnejše značilnosti zunanje zgradbe Francoskega testamenta (žanrski sinkretizem, pomen naslova in uvodnih navedkov), težavnost določanja teme (odlomka) besedila (izotopije, topika, ključne besede, glavna in stranske teme) ter nekatere opaznejše formalne značilnosti (manjše enote, razmerje med njimi, besedišče, besedne vrste, raba glagolskega časa, trope, ubeseditveni način, pripovedno tehnika, kategorijo prostora in časa, pripovedovalca).
Ključne besede: literarna interpretacija | branje v globino | orodje interpretacije | Andrei Makine | Francoski testament
Barbara Pregelj: Paths to Literary Interpretation: Sketches on Le testament français by Andreï Makine. Jezik in slovstvo. 1–2/2010. 11–22.
In the article an interpretive tool/framework is presented that attempts to aid in-depth reading. To illustrate this tool/framework, the article takes this year’s baccalaureate text, the novel Le testament français by Andreï Makine. Referring to this novel the article outlines the individual levels of interpretation and specifically addresses the analytical part of understanding texts, which, with slow, thorough reading, placement in a broader context and the determining of the theme through the structure of excerpts from the text, represents a framework for literary interpretation. Attention is drawn to the most important characteristics of the external construction of Le testament français (genre syncretism, the significance of the title and the introductory citations), the difficulty of determining the theme (of an excerpt) of the text (isotopy, topic, key words, principal and secondary themes) and certain evident formal characteristics (smaller units, the relationship between these units, lexicon, parts of speech, the use of verb tenses, tropes, means of verbalisation, narrative technique, the category of space and time, the narrator).
Keywords: literary interpretation | in-depth reading | interpretation tool | Andreï Makine | Le testament français
Silvija Borovnik: Mira Mihelič in Ljubljana: avtobiografija Ure mojih dni kot pričevanje o pred- in povojnem meščanskem literarnem življenju v Ljubljani. Jezik in slovstvo. 1–2/2010. 23–32.
Delo Mire Mihelič opredeljuje predvsem romanopisje, v okviru tega pa družinska kronika iz meščanskega okolja. Znano je, da je avtorica v svoja literarna dela vključevala avtobiografske prvine, v večini pa je prepoznavna Ljubljana. Podobe le-te niso omejene le na zunanja prizorišča in slike, temveč je na njihovem ozadju dobro razvidno tudi posebno pred- in povojno literarno življenje v tem mestu. O njem piše Miheličeva v avtobiografiji Ure mojih dni, ki je obenem ena redkih avtobiografij slovenske književnice v drugi polovici 20. stoletja.
Ključne besede: avtobiografija | meščansko pred- in povojno literarno življenje v Ljubljani | literarni sopotniki in sopotnice | literarni salon | ženska perspektiva
Silvija Borovnik: Mira Mihelič and Ljubljana: The Autobiography Ure mojih dni (The Hours of My Days) as a Testimony on Pre-War and Post-War Middle Class Literary Life in Ljubljana. Jezik in slovstvo. 1–2/2010. 23–32.
The work of Mira Mihelič is defined primarily by novel writing, and within this framework by the family chronicle from a middle class environment. It is known that the author included autobiographical elements in her literary works, in the majority of which Ljubljana is recognisable. The images of Ljubljana are not just limited to exterior locations and scenes, but rather on this background the specific pre-war and post-war literary life of the city is clearly evident. Mihelič writes about this in her autobiography The Hours of My Days, which is one of the rare autobiographies by a female Slovene writer in the second half of the 20th century.
Keywords: autobiography | middle class pre-war and post-war literary life in Ljubljana | literary contemporaries | the literary salon | the women’s perspective
Aljoša Harlamov: Nezanesljivi pripovedovalec v sodobnem slovenskem romanu. Jezik in slovstvo. 1–2/2010. 33–46.
Nezanesljivi pripovedovalec je rezultat kompleksnih procesov, ki se odvijajo v dejanju literarne komunikacije med avtorjem in njegovim kontekstom, literarnim delom, njegovim kontekstom in njegovim implicitnim avtorjem v pomenu dela kot celote ter bralcem in njegovim kontekstom. Določiti je mogoče tri tipe nezanesljivega pripovedovalca: nezanesljivi presojevalec, nezanesljivi razlagalec in nezanesljivi poročevalec. Vsakega od njih je mogoče umestiti v sodobni slovenski roman: nezanesljivega presojevalca v Hočevarjevo trilogijo Porkasvet, Za znoret in Rožencvet, nezanesljivega razlagalca v Sosičev roman Balerina, Balerina in nezanesljivega poročevalca v Möderndorferjev Opoldne nekega dne.
Ključne besede: sodobni slovenski roman | pripovedovalec | nezanesljivi pripovedovalec | implicitni avtor | Zoran Hočevar | Marko Sosič | Vinko Möderndorfe
Aljoša Harlamov: The Unreliable Narrator in the Contemporary Slovene Novel. Jezik in slovstvo. 1–2/2010. 33–46.
The unreliable narrator is the result of the complex processes that unfold in the act of literary communication between the author and his or her context, the literary work, its context and its implicit author in the meaning of the work as a whole, and between the reader and his or her context. It is possible to determine three types of unreliable narrator: the unreliable judge, the unreliable interpreter and the unreliable reporter. Each of these can be located in the contemporary Slovene novel: the unreliable judge in Hočevar’s trilogy Porkasvet, Za znoret (Blimey, the World to Drive You Crazy) and Rožencvet (Flowerblossom), the unreliable interpreter in Sosič’s novel Balerina, Balerina (Ballerina, Ballerina), and the unreliable reporter in Möderndorfer’s Opoldne nekega dne (One Day at Noon).
Keywords: the contemporary Slovene novel | the narrator | the unreliable narrator | the implicit author | Zoran Hočevar | Marko Sosič | Vinko Möderndorfer
Katja Mihurko Poniž: Prispevki slovenskih pripovednic k žanrski podobi proze 19. stoletja. Jezik in slovstvo. 1–2/2010. 47–59.
Prispevek obravnava žanrske posebnosti, ki so jih v pripovedno prozo 19. stoletja vnesle Luiza Pesjak, Pavlina Pajk in Zofka Kveder. Naratološka analiza, ki temelji na spoznanjih naratologije družbenih spolov, pokaže, da so vse tri pisateljice izbrale postopke, ki so v tedanji književnosti predstavljali novost. Luiza Pesjak in Pavlina Pajk sta izbrali žanr romana, ga nadgradili s svojimi inovacijami in vanj vključili narativne strategije, ki so jih razvile njune sodobnice v drugih evropskih književnostih. Zanimiv prispevek k razvoju žanrov predstavlja tudi zbirka kratke proze Misterij žene Zofke Kveder, saj je pisateljica s črticami v tej zbirki prispevala k spreminjanju tradicionalnega modela kratke pripovedi. Sklepno spoznanje prispevka je, da so pisateljice na ostro zavrnitev naletele vselej takrat, kadar je bil žanr, v katerem so pisale, privilegiran žanr neke skupine ali obdobja in so vanj skušale vnesti inovacije, ki so odstopale od programskih smernic slovenske literature v 19. stoletju.
Ključne besede: naratologija spolov | slovenska književnost | Luiza Pesjak | Pavlina Pajk | Zofka Kveder
Katja Mihurko Poniž: The Contributions of Female Slovene Narrators to the Genre Image of 19th Century Prose. Jezik in slovstvo. 1–2/2010. 47–59.
The article deals with the genre features brought to narrative prose in the 19th century by Luiza Pesjak, Pavlina Pajk and Zofka Kveder. A narratological analysis based on the findings of the narratology of social gender shows that all three of these writers chose approaches that represented innovations in the literature of the time. Luiza Pesjak and Pavlina Pajk selected the genre novel and upgraded it with their own innovations, introducing narrative strategies that had been developed by their contemporaries in other European literatures. Another interesting contribution to the development of genres is represented by the collection of short prose Misterij žene (The Mystery of a Woman) by Zofka Kveder, as with the sketches in this collection the author contributed to the modification of the traditional model of short narrative. The concluding finding of the article is that the authors met with sharp rejection whenever the genre in which they were writing was a privileged genre of a specific group or era, into which they were attempting to introduce innovations that departed from the accepted guidelines of Slovene literature in the 19th century.
Keywords: the narratology of gender | Slovene literature | Luiza Pesjak | Pavlina Pajk | Zofka Kveder
Blanka Bošnjak: Vodnikovo prozno delo. Jezik in slovstvo. 1–2/2010. 60–75.
Za razvoj slovenskih kratkih proznih zvrsti je zanimivejša daljša vrsta eksempla – kot daljša oblika pripovedi (narratio) in z Vodnikovimi »pergodbami« jih imamo v samostojni obliki. Vodnikovi poskusi proznega pisanja v smislu kratke pripovedne proze so predvsem nasledek pratikarskih (z Veliko in Malo pratiko), časnikarskih (z Lublanskimi novicami) in prevodnih prizadevanj, ki so ostala v rokopisu (Berilo Greško). V analiziranih Vodnikovih kratkih pripovednih oblikah se pojavljajo narativni postopki, kakor so bolj ali manj razvita zgodba, nazorni in barviti opisi (tudi dogajalnega prostora ter časa), poskusi karakterizacije oseb, pripovedovalčevi komentarji, uporaba dialoga in humorja.
Ključne besede: Valentin Vodnik | slovenska kratka proza | pripovedne oblike | pridiga | eksempel | razsvetljenstvo.
Blanka Bošnjak: Vodnik’s Prose Work. Jezik in slovstvo. 1–2/2010. 60–75.
For the development of Slovene short prose long example types of genres are more interesting, such as the long form of narrative (narratio), and with Vodnik’s humorous prose, “pergodbe”, we have them in an independent form. Vodnik’s attempts at prose writing in the sense of short narrative prose are primarily the result of the practitioner’s endeavours (with almanacs Velika and Mala pratika), the newspaperman’s endeavours (with Lublanske novice) and narrative endeavours that remained in manuscript (Berilo Greško). In Vodnik’s analysed short narrative forms we find narrative approaches such as the more or less developed story, illustrative and colourful descriptions (including those of the time and place of the events), the attempted characterisation of people, narrator’s commentaries, functional dialogue and humour.
Keywords: Valentin Vodnik | Slovene short prose | narrative forms | sermon | example | enlightenment
Jana Zidar Forte: Pomen uporabe tehnik pri simultanem tolmačenju. Jezik in slovstvo. 1–2/2010. 77–89.
Simultano tolmačenje je zapleten kognitivni proces, vendar obstajajo različne tehnike, ki lahko tolmaču znatno olajšajo delo. V članku so predstavljeni izsledki manjše raziskave o uporabi tehnik pri simultanem tolmačenju iz francoščine v slovenščino, ki je bila opravljena na korpusu desetih govorov, podanih na plenarnih zasedanjih Evropskega parlamenta. Nabor preučevanih tehnik zajema tako tehnike spopadanja s časovnimi omejitvami kot tudi splošne tehnike obdelave besedila in tehnike s področja mikroravni besedila. V analiziranem korpusu smo zasledili zlasti uporabo reformulacije in segmentacije daljših povedi, a tudi izpuščanja, ki sodi med občutljive tehnike, saj se lahko hitro sprevrže v pomanjkljivost. Na splošno lahko potrdimo, da je uporaba tehnik odvisna predvsem od posameznega tolmača in specifičnih okoliščin.
Ključne besede: simultano tolmačenje | francoščina | slovenščina | tehnike
Jana Zidar Forte: The Importance of the Use of Techniques in Simultaneous Interpreting. Jezik in slovstvo. 1–2/2010. 77–89.
Simultaneous interpreting is a complex cognitive process. However, various techniques exist that can make the work of the interpreter significantly easier. The article presents the findings of a small research project on the use of techniques in simultaneous interpreting from French to Slovene. The research was based on a corpus of ten speeches given at plenary sessions of the European Parliament. The selection of techniques studied includes both techniques of dealing with time limitations as well as general techniques of treating texts and techniques regarding the micro level of the text. Particularly evident in the corpus analysed was the use of the reformulation and segmentation of longer sentences, as well as omission, which is one of the more sensitive techniques as it can quickly deteriorate into a loss of quality. In general we can assert that the use of techniques is dependent primarily on the individual interpreter and the specific circumstances.
Keywords: simultaneous interpreting | French | Slovene | techniques
Darija Skubic: Funkcionalna pismenost bodočih vzgojiteljev ter učiteljev razrednega pouka. Jezik in slovstvo. 1–2/2010. 91–106.
V članku spregovorim o funkcionalni pismenosti bodočih vzgojiteljev in vzgojiteljic ter učiteljev in učiteljic razrednega pouka. V prvem delu najprej opredelim pojem funkcionalne pismenosti, ki se je spreminjal in se še spreminja glede na potrebe in zahteve aktualne družbe, nato spregovorim o pomembnosti sporazumevalnih dejavnosti za uspešen razvoj pismenosti, o vrstah funkcionalne pismenosti ter o načinih ocenjevanja oz. merjenja funkcionalne pismenosti. V drugem delu so prikazani rezultati raziskave, v kateri sem primerjala funkcionalno pismenost skupine bodočih vzgojiteljev in vzgojiteljic ter bodočih učiteljev in učiteljic razrednega pouka.
Ključne besede: funkcionalna pismenost | vzgojitelji | učitelji | vrtec | osnovna šola
Darija Skubic: The Functional Literacy of Future Kindergarten and Primary School Teachers. Jezik in slovstvo. 1–2/2010. 91–106.
The article focuses on the functional literacy of future kindergarten and primary school teachers. In the first part, I define the concept of functional literacy, which has changed and continues to change with regard to the needs and demands of contemporary society. I then address the importance of communication activities for the successful development of literacy, types of functional literacy and the methods of assessment, or measurement, of functional literacy. The second part of the article presents the results of research in which I compared the functional literacy of groups of future kindergarten and primary school teachers
Keywords: functional literacy | preschool educators | teachers | kindergarden | primary school