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Številka 2/2007 ~ Issue 2/2007


Denis Poniž: A. T. Linhart in problem meščanske žaloigre. Jezik in slovstvo. 2/2007. 3–15.
Razprava obravnava mladostno, v nemščini napisano meščansko žaloigroMiss Jenny Love (1779), s katero se začenja dramski opus A. T. Linharta. Čeprav je žaloigrav slovenski literarnozgodovinski zavesti prisotna vse od leta 1918, ko jo je na Dunaju našel F. Kidrič, pa je njena recepcija vse do današnjih dni šibka (igra je bila uprizorjena samo enkrat, ob stoletnici Dramatičnega društva, 1967 v Drami SNG Ljubljana). Razprava skuša najprej ugotoviti, kje so razlogi za tako recepcijo, nato pa žaloigro obravnava v okvirih nemške predromantične in viharniške meščanske žaloigre. Le-ta, posebej z deli Lessinga, Klingerja in Wagnerja, je bila zagotovo najmočnejša Linhartova spodbuda, saj v razpravi pokažemo, kako je Linhart uporabil posamezne prvine meščanske žaloigre in kakšen pomen imajo za njegovo igro. S tem tudi igro zvrstno uvrščamo med značilne primerke meščanske žaloigre.

Denis Poniž: Anton Tomaž Linhart and the Problem of Bourgeois Tragedy. Jezik in slovstvo. 2/2007. 3–15.
The article discusses a youthful bourgeoistragedy written in German entitled Miss Jenny Love (1779), which represents the beginning of the playwriting by Anton Tomaž Linhart. Although the bourgeoistragedy has been present in the Slovene literary and historical consciousness since 1918, when it was discovered in Vienna by France Kidrič, to date its reception has been rather poor (the play was staged only once, at the Slovene National Theatre, marking the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Dramatic Society in 1967). The article aims to first unveil the reason for such reception, and then to discuss tragedy as part of the German pre-Romantic and Sturm und Drang bourgeois tragedy. This, together with the works by Lessing, Klinger and Wagner, was the most significant stimulation for Linhart; the article shows how he applied various features of the bourgeois tragedy in his playwriting, and what significance they had for his plays. This is why his play is categorised as a typical example of bourgeois tragedy.

Alenka Rebol Kotnik: Tipologija ženskih oseb v pripovedni prozi avtorjev druge polovice 19. Stoletja. Jezik in slovstvo. 2/2007. 17–33.
Žensko lahko v pripovedni prozi avtorjev druge polovice 19. stoletja, glede na njen značaj, delovanje in samo pojavitev, razdelimo na štiri osnovne tipe, in sicer na tip matere, tip hčere, tip žene ali izvenzakonske partnerice in na tip tete, prijateljice, daljne sorodnice, neznane ženske, ter v nadaljevanju za natančnejšo oziroma celovitejšo podobo ženske na posamezne podtipe. V sklopu omenjene tipologije se ženska pojavlja kot dvoplastna oseba: na eni strani podoba tipično nesebične, dobre, ubogljive in ponižne ženske ter na drugi strani podoba popolnoma drugačne, samosvoje, dominantne, materialistične, egoistične in celo fizično nasilne ženske, s katero zavračam splošno izključno stereotipno predstavo literarne ženske v preteklosti nasploh.

Alenka Rebol Kotnik: A Typology of Female Characters in the Narrative Prose by the Authors from the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century. Jezik in slovstvo. 2/2007. 17–33.
In narrative prose by authors from the second half of the nineteenth century, females can generally be categorised according to their character, function and appearance, into four basic types: the type of a mother, a daughter, a wife or an unwedded partner, and the type of an aunt, a friend, a distant relative, or an unknown woman. For a more accurate and complex presentation of female characters they can be further categorized into various sub-types. Within this typology a woman appears as a two-fold person: on the one hand, the image of a typically unselfish, good, obedient and humble woman, and, on the other hand, an image of a completely different, stubborn, dominant, materialistic, egotistical, and even physically violent woman, by which the author rejects the general, exclusively stereotypical image of the literary female character of the past.

Marija Grginič: Priljubljenost – nepriljubljenost slovenščine v prvem triletju osnovne šole. Jezik in slovstvo. 2/2007. 35–59.
V zadnjih nekaj desetletjih se je pri nas povečalo število evalvacij, analiz in ocen kakovosti pouka, kar je povezano predvsem z devetletnim izobraževanjem. V luči kurikularnih sprememb, ko prihaja čas za kritično oceno šolskega dela po novem (sedanjem) učnem načrtu, smo želeli znova izpostaviti nekatere najpomembnejše pomanjkljivosti, ki so pospešile nastajanje novega učnega načrta za osnovno šolo. Namen članka je opozoriti na ovire in napake v začetnem opismenjevanju ob koncu 90. let, da bi tako lažje zaznali pomanjkljivosti in prednosti novega učnega načrta. Glede na psihosocialni razvoj šestletnikov, ki so v novem izobraževalnem sistemu že vključeni v devetletno osnovno šolo, smo želeli opozoriti na vlogo didaktične igre v začetnem opismenjevanju ter osvetliti njen pomen glede na motivacijo in aktivnost učencev kot tudi na njihovo predznanje pismenosti. To utemeljujemo z razvojno stopnjo šestletnikov, za katero je značilno učenje z igro, otroci so socialno motivirani in aktivno udeleženi v porajajoči se pismenosti. Na prehodu iz osemletne v devetletno šolo nas je zanimalo, kako priljubljen – nepriljubljen učni predmet je slovenščina. Raziskava je pokazala večjo priljubljenost slovenščine v devetletki kot tudi na pogostejše igranje učencev pri urah slovenščine.

Marija Grginič: The Popularity and Unpopularity of Slovene in the First Three Years of Primary School. Jezik in slovstvo. 2/2007. 35–59.
The past few decades have seen a significant increase of evaluations, analyses and assessments of the quality of education connected with the nine-year primary school education. In light of curricular reforms, when the time is right for a critical assessment of school work performed in line with the present curriculum, some major deficiencies need to be foregrounded, which contributed to the creation of the new primary school curriculum. The article aims to focus on some obstacles and mistakes made at the early stage of learning how to read and write at the end of the 1990s, which may ease the detection of deficiencies and advantages of the new curriculum. In view of the psychological and social development of the six-year olds, who, according to the new educational system, are enrolled in the nine-year primary school, the authors of this article want to highlight the role played by didactic games at the early stages of literacy, and wish to emphasise the significance for pupils’ motivation, activity and previous knowledge. This is substantiated with the developmental stage of the six-year olds, who typically learn through games, as children are socially motivated and actively participate in the games at this early stage of literacy. In the transition from the eight-year primary school to the nine-year primary school, the authors were interested in the popularity of the subject of Slovene. The research findings show that in the nine-year primary school Slovene is more popular and pupils engage in games more frequently in Slovene lessons.

Urška Jarnovič: Diskurzivne značilnosti sms-ov. Jezik in slovstvo. 2/2007. 61–79.
Članek je posvečen sms-om kot novodobni obliki komunikacije, ki jo po eni strani določajo globalni, tj. tehnični, tehnološki in družbeni vidiki uporabe mobilnih telefonov, po drugi strani pa se v njih izražajo tudi individualne značilnosti vsakega uporabnika. Namen prispevka je s pomočjo rezultatov ankete o jezikovni podobi sms-ov, ki se posveča predvsem razmerju do knjižnega jezika ter uporabi ločil, presledkov in krajšav pri pisanju sms-ov, prikazati, da je jezikovna podoba sms-a sicer odvisna od posameznikove izobrazbe in dojemanja tovrstne komunikacije, a je v večji meri kot z vprašanji uporabe t. i . knjižnega oziroma pogovornega jezika povezana s posameznikovo ustvarjalnostjo pri izražanju, kar nakazuje dodatno razsežnost pisne kompetence posameznikov.

Urška Jarnovič: Discourse Features of Text Messages. Jezik in slovstvo. 2/2007. 61–79.
The article examines text messages, signifying a new form of communication, determined by the global, i.e. technical, technological and social aspects of using mobile phones on the one hand, while, on the other hand, expressing individual users’ traits. The aim of the article is to show the results of a questionnaire on the language of text messaging, mainly focusing on the relation to standard language and the use of punctuation, interspaces, and abbreviations applied in the production of text messages. The author also aims to demonstrate that the language of the text message may depend on the individual's education and understanding of such communication, even though it is more correlated to one's creativity of expression – which indicates an additional dimension of the individual's competence in writing – than to the question of using standard or colloquial language.

Adriana Mezeg: Načini prevajanja francoskih glagolov iz spremnih stavkov premega govora v treh slovenskih prevodih Flaubertove Madame Bovary,. Jezik in slovstvo. 2/2007. 81–93.
Članek prinaša kontrastivno-komparativno analizo prevodov francoskih glagolov rekanja in drugih vrst glagolov iz spremnih stavkov premega govora v treh izbranih slovenskih prevodih Flaubertove Madame Bovary. Raziskava temelji na lastnoročno izdelanem korpusu in prihaja do sklepa, da je merilo prevodne dejavnosti Suzane Koncut, avtorice najsodobnejšega prevoda, predvsem izvirnik, prevoda Vladimirja Levstika pa sta v tem pogledu svobodnejša. Posledica različnih prevajalskih pristopov (tj. zvestobe oz. svobode v odnosu do izvirnika) je drugačen rezultat oz. končni izdelek, kar je razvidno tudi iz obravnavanih slovenskih prevodov Madame Bovary.

Adriana Mezeg: A Comparison of Three Slovene Translations of Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert from the Aspect of French Reporting Verbs Introducing Direct Speech,. Jezik in slovstvo. 2/2007. 81–93.
The article explores a contrastive and comparative analysis focusing on translations of French reporting verbs and other verbs introducing direct speech in the three selected translations of Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert. The research, based on the author's own corpus, concludes that the most recent translation by Suzana Koncut is mainly loyal to the original, while the two previous translations by Vladimir Levstik are freer in this respect. The result of different translation approaches (i.e. loyalty or freedom in relation to the original) is a different final product, which is also evident from the discussed Slovene translations of Madame Bovary.

Špela Arhar: Vojko Gorjanc, Korpus FidaPLUS: nova generacija slovenskega referenčnega korpusa. Jezik in slovstvo. 2/2007. 95–110.
Prispevek predstavlja korpus FidaPLUS, ki je nadgradnja slovenskega referenčnega korpusa. Korpus, ki ga na eni strani odlikujejo velika obsežnost, ažurnost, potrebna jezikoslovna označenost ter uravnoteženost in heterogenost, na drugi zmogljiv in informacijsko podprt konkordančnik, je na internetu prosto dostopen za splošno uporabo. V članku se osredotočava predvsem na predstavitev izboljšav novega referenčnega korpusa glede na predhodne, tj. predvsem na izboljšavo lematizacije korpusnih besedil, izboljšavo statistik za iskanje kolokatorjev, nadgradnjo konkordančnega vmesnika ter izgradnjo informacijske mreže, ki jo za delo s korpusom potrebuje uporabnik. Navajava tudi podatke o sami strukturi korpusa, saj je razumevanje korpusne sestave za interpretacijo jezikovnih informacij ključnega pomena. Obenem skušava umestiti novi korpus v slovenski raziskovalni prostor kot pomemben mejnik ne le za korpusno, pač pa jezikoslovje nasploh.

Špela Arhar: Vojko Gorjanc, The FidaPLUS Corpus: A New Generation of the Slovene Reference Corpus. Jezik in slovstvo. 2/2007. 95–110.
The article presents the FidaPLUS corpus, an upgrade of the first Slovene reference corpusFida
. FidaPLUS is an extensive collection of electronic texts which represents a balanced sample of heterogeneous contemporary texts in Slovene. In addition, the corpus is accompanied by a powerful, information-based concordancer, freely available for general use on the internet. The article focuses on the presentation of the improvements made to the new reference corpus, i.e. the improved lemmatization of corpus texts, new statistical methods for the collocator search, an upgrade of the concordancer interface, and the creation of an information network needed for the corpus analysis by the user. Information concerning the very structure of the corpus is also provided, since comprehension of the corpus composition is vital for the interpretation of language information. An attempt is also made to place the new corpus within the Slovene research area as a significant milestone not only for corpus studies, but for linguistics in general.