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Številka 1/2007 ~ Issue 1/2007


Nina Ledinek: Slovenska odvisnostna drevesnica v raziskavah o induktivnem odvisnostnem razčlenjevanju. Jezik in slovstvo. 1/2007. 3–16.
Prispevek prinaša nekaj temeljnih pojasnil o področju skladenjskega označevanja korpusov ter o metodologiji gradnje drevesnic. Opozori na jezikovnoteoretične modele, na podlagi katerih so označevalni sistemi večine drevesnic oblikovani, ter na uporabnost skladenjskega označevanja korpusov za raziskave opisnega in teoretičnega jezikoslovja in za področje procesiranja naravnih jezikov. Predstavlja tudi rezultate treh raziskav v zvezi z večjezičnim induktivnim odvisnostnim razčlenjevanjem na prvi drevesnici za slovenski jezik, Slovenski odvisnostni drevesnici.

Nina Ledinek: The Slovene Dependency Treebank in the Studies on Inductive Dependency Parsing. Jezik in slovstvo. 1/2007. 3–16.
The article foregrounds some basic explanations about syntactic corpus annotation and the methodology of building treebanks. It draws attention to the linguistic theoretical models on the basis of which the majority of treebank annotation approaches are formed, and to the applicability of syntactic corpus annotation for the studies of descriptive and theoretical linguistics, and for natural language processing. In addition the article presents the results of three studies connected with multi-lingual inductive dependency parsing on the first treebank for the Slovene language, the Slovene Dependency Treebank.

Frančiška Lipovšek: O zgradbah eksogene svojilnosti. Jezik in slovstvo. 1/2007. 17–27.
Zgradbe eksogene svojilnosti so specifične zaradi posebne skladenjske vloge posedovalca v razmerju do posedovanega: posedovalec ne nastopa kot prilastek k posedovanemu (npr. Petrovo kolo), temveč kot samostojen stavčni člen. V zgradbah, značilnih za mnogo evropskih jezikov, je to prosti dajalniški predmet (npr. Miha je Petru popravil kolo.). Članek na podlagi slovenskih zgledov v okviru jezikovnosistemskih možnosti obravnava skladenjske in pomenske lastnosti teh zgradb ter dejavnike njihove rabe. Pri razlagi njihove strukture je uporabljen tvorbeni pristop, ki sloni na prostorski interpretaciji svojilnosti. Sledi primerjava z neevropskim tipom zgradb eksogene svojilnosti, ki je v omejenem obsegu prisoten tudi v slovenščini. V neevropskih zgradbah posedovalec ni v vlogi prostega dajalniškega predmeta, temveč izrine posedovano iz argumentne strukture glagola in prevzame njegovo skladenjsko vlogo (npr. Zgrabil ga je za rokav.). Pragmatično gledano je bistvena lastnost zgradb eksogene svojilnosti ta, da izražajo prizadetost posedovalca. Le evropski tip – zaradi prostega dajalnika – naj bi impliciral tudi prizadetost v smislu učinka na psihični ravni.

Frančiška Lipovšek: External-possession Constructions. Jezik in slovstvo. 1/2007. 17–27.
External-possession (EP) constructions are characterized by a special syntactic relation between the possessor and the possessee: rather than modifying the possessee within the same noun phrase, the possessor occurs as an independent sentence element. In the European EP prototype, this constituent is a free dative object. Using Slovene examples as the basis for discussion, the article focuses on the syntactic and semantic features of EP constructions and tries to pinpoint the factors conditioning their use. In explaining their syntactic structure, a generative approach is adopted, which is based on the locative interpretation of possession. In the second part of the article, a comparison is made with non-European EP constructions, which are also used in Slovene to some extent. What is specific to the non-European type is the fact that the possessor does not occur in the form of a free dative, but replaces the possessee in the argument structure of the verb and takes over its syntactic function. Pragmatically speaking, the main feature of both types of EP constructions is the affectedness of the possessor. It seems, however, that only the European type – thanks to the free dative – expresses also a kind of 'mental affectedness'.

Valerija Trojar: Primerjava besedil dementnih in zdravih starostnikov. Jezik in slovstvo. 1/2007. 29–44.
Demenca je skupina motenj, ki vplivajo na spoznavne, čustvene, vedenjske in telesne sposobnosti, kar vpliva na komunikacijsko in govorno zmožnost. Tudi starostne spremembe vplivajo tako na komunikacijsko kot na govorno zmožnost. V članku poskušam ugotoviti, v čem se razlikujejo besedila, nastala ob sliki, dementnih in nedementnih oseb, starejših od 65 let, in preizkusiti metodo analize besedil, nastalih ob sliki. Besedila so primerjana glede na dolžino in trajanje, količino vsebovanih informacij, način poimenovanja, makrostrukturo besedila in »izvršilno« raven. Največje razlike so opažene pri številu omenjenih vzročno-posledičnih odnosov, deležu glagola biti glede na vse glagole, neposrednih ponovitvah besede in samopopravkih. Bistvena razlika med dementnimi in nedementnimi tvorci besedil je ta, da so dementni starostniki primanjkljaje, ki slabijo njihovo govorno zmožnost, v manjši meri sposobni kompenzirati z ustreznimi kompenzacijskimi strategijami kot nedementni starostniki.

Valerija Trojar: A Comparison of Texts Produced by the Elderly Suffering from Dementia and by Healthy Elderly Persons. Jezik in slovstvo. 1/2007. 29–44.
Dementia is a group of disorders affecting the cognitive, emotional, behavioural and physical capacities, bearing an influence on communicative and speaking abilities. Changes affecting the elderly population also influence both their communicative and speaking abilities. The author of the present article aims to discover the differences between the texts produced on the basis of pictures by both, the elderly suffering from dementia, and the healthy group of elderly persons over the age of 65, and to test the method of picture-based text analysis. The texts are compared on the basis of their length and duration, the informative value of the text, the manner of naming, the macro-structure of the text, and their performative level. The greatest differences are observed in the number of the aforementioned cause/effect relations, the distribution of the Slovene verb biti (– to be in English) compared to all other verbs used, immediate repetition of words and self-corrections. The main difference between the texts produced by the elderly with and without dementia is that those suffering from dementia are less able to compensate for the deficiencies weakening their speaking ability with adequate compensatory strategies.

Katja Mihurko Poniž: Vloga Karle Bulovec v umetniškem ustvarjanju Ivana Mraka. Jezik in slovstvo. 1/2007. 45–53.
Razprava osvetljuje odnos med pisateljem Ivanom Mrakom in njegovo ženo, kiparko in slikarko Karlo Bulovec Mrak. V razpravi je pokazano, da Karla Bulovec v Mrakovi umetniški ustvarjalnosti predstavlja predvsem navdih za številna njegova dela, kot spodbujevalka in spremljevalka njegove umetniške poti pa je dramatiku pomagala tudi skozi različna ustvarjalna obdobja.

Katja Mihurko Poniž: The Role Played by Karla Bulovec in the Writing of Ivan Mrak. Jezik in slovstvo. 1/2007. 45–53.
The article sheds light on the relationship between the writer Ivan Mrak and his wife, sculptor and painter Karla Bulovec Mrak. It is illustrated in the article that in her husband's artistic creativity Karla Bulovec Mrak represents, above all, an inspiration for many of his works, while as someone who encourages and supports his artistic expression, she helped the playwright create in various creative periods.

Alenka Žbogar: Za dejaven pouk književnosti. Jezik in slovstvo. 1/2007. 55–66.
Opisujem dejavno metodo poučevanja književnosti, imenovano problemsko-ustvarjalni pouk, navajam številne prednosti, zabeležene v tujih in domačih študijah, pa tudi pomanjkljivosti te metode. Utemeljujem, zakaj je premik od t. i. paradigme poučevanja (teaching paradigm) k t. i. paradigmi učenja (learning paradigm) smiseln tudi pri pouku književnosti ter kakšne so posledice takega premika za književni pouk, posebej za učitelja in učenca.

Alenka Žbogar: For an Active Teaching of Literature. Jezik in slovstvo. 1/2007. 55–66.
The author describes an active method of teaching literature, referred to as problem-based creative teaching, foregrounding numerous advantages, cited both in foreign and Slovene studies, as well as the disadvantages of this method. The article argues why the shift from the so-called teaching paradigm to the so-called learning paradigm is sensible also when teaching literature, and what consequences such a shift may have for the teaching of literature, in particular for the teacher and the student.