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Številka 5/2004 ~ Issue 5/2004


Primož Vitez, Ana Zwitter Vitez: Problem prozodične analize spontanega govora. Jezik in slovstvo. 5/2004. 3–24.
Izhodišča za jezikoslovno analizo spontanega govora so nujno povezana z umevanjem vloge subjekta v izrekanju. Proces izrekanja razkriva temeljno vprašanje subjekta, ki se projicira v izrečeno, hkrati pa govor popolnoma določa govorčeve subjektne lastnosti. Spontani govor je v tem smislu najpogostejša in tipična jezikovna manifestacija, ki običajno poteka v enako tipičnem položaju govorne izmenjave dveh subjektov. Avtorja najprej na kratko predstavita historiat in teoretske okvirje jezikoslovne analize govora, v analitičnem jedru prispevka pa ponujata eno od možnih metodoloških rešitev za raziskovanje spontanosti v izrekanju. Metodologija temelji na novi klasifikaciji osnovnih govornih enot, pri čemer upošteva bistveno značilnost fragmentarnosti in redundantnosti v spontanih govornih izvedbah.

Primož Vitez, Ana Zwitter Vitez: The Problem of Prosodic Analysis of Spontaneous Speech. Jezik in slovstvo. 5/2004. 3–24.
The bases for a linguistic analysis of spontaneous speech are necessarily correlated to the comprehension of the role played by the subject in making the utterance. The process of making an utterance reveals the fundamental question concerning the subject, which is projected in the utterance, while at the same time the act of speech completely determines the speaker's subjective traits. In this sense spontaneous speech is the most common and typical linguistic manifestation, usually occurring in the similarly typical position of an exchange between two subjects. Firstly, the article outlines a historical background and theoretical framework of linguistic speech analysis, while in its analytical, core part it offers one of the possible methodological solutions for the research of spontaneity in the speech act. The methodology is based on the new classification of the basic units of speech, taking into account the principal features of fragmentation and redundancy in spontaneous speech.

Gašper Ilc, Andrej Stopar: Angleški končni -e in Slovenski pravopis,. Jezik in slovstvo. 5/2004. 25–31.
V članku poskušava izpostaviti nekatera vprašanja, ki se odpirajo pri pravopisnem pravilu o pisnem krajšanju angleških lastnih imen z nemim -e na koncu osnove (Slovenski pravopis 2001, § 772). Prispevek pokaže, da obravnavano pravopisno pravilo ne zajema vseh glasoslovno določevalnih lastnosti nemega -e, kar se neposredno zrcali v nedoslednostih pri zapisovanju angleških lastnih imen s končnim nemim -e v neimenovalniških sklonih. Razprava pokaže, da bi bilo smotrno pravopisno pravilo poenotiti v smeri splošnega (ne)krajšanja osnove.

Gašper Ilc, Andrej Stopar: The English Word-final Mute -e and Slovenski pravopis (Slovene Orthography). Jezik in slovstvo. 5/2004. 25–31.
The article discusses some aspects of Slovene orthography related to the (non-)omission of the word-final mute -e in the Slovene declination of English proper nouns (cf. Slovenski pravopis 2001, § 772). It shows that the existing rule fails to cover all phonological properties of mute -e, which is reflected in the inconsistent spelling of English nouns in Slovene oblique cases. The discussion reveals the need to modify the existing orthography rule(s), perhaps in a manner that would allow for the general (non-)omission of the word-final mute -e.

Karin Marc Bratina: Pomen frazemov z vidika medkulturne sporazumevalne zmožnosti. Jezik in slovstvo. 5/2004. 33–48.
Članek poudarja pomen poznavanja frazeologije tujega jezika za razvijanje medkulturne sporazumevalne zmožnosti, in sicer na podlagi modela medkulturne sporazumevalne zmožnosti, izdelanega v okviru projekta LABICUM. Izhajamo iz predpostavke, da frazeologija izraža doživljanje sveta nekega naroda, njegove izkušnje v teku zgodovine, zato ji lahko z drugimi besedami rečemo tudi jezik kulture. Ta trditev pa je blizu tudi pojmovanju jezika, kot ga je razvilo kognitivno jezikoslovje.

Karin Marc Bratina: The Significance of Phraseology from the Point of Intercultural Communicative Ability. Jezik in slovstvo. 5/2004. 33–48.
The article lays emphasis on the significance played by the phraseology of a foreign language for the development of intercultural communicative ability, based on the model of intercultural communicative ability made as part of the LABICUM project. The article is derived from a supposition that phraseology expresses a nation’s experience of the world and its experience throughout history; therefore it could also be referred to as the language of culture. This claim is also close to the understanding of language as developed by cognitive linguistics.

Silvija Borovnik: Razvoj dramatike Dušana Jovanovića,. Jezik in slovstvo. 5/2004. 49–66.
Dušan Jovanović, čigar dramski opus se je od ludizma preko angažirane politične drame, ovite v igrive medbesedilne navezave in obdane z ostro, obešenjaško satiro, razvijal še v občutljivo intimistično igro in se ponovno vračal k obešenjaškemu humorju, sodi med najizrazitejše sodobne slovenske dramatike. Po ugotovitvah literarne zgodovine in kritike je prava vrednost njegovih dram, ki so napisane tako, da jih je med uprizarjanjem mogoče še dopolnjevati in spreminjati, predvsem v tem, da duhovito pripovedujejo tako o slovenski sedanjosti kot tudi polpreteklosti. Članek analizira Jovanovićev dramski opus in opozarja na številne novosti ter posebnosti dramatikove poetike, ki so vplivale na razvoj slovenske dramatike v drugi polovici 20. stoletja.

Silvija Borovnik: The Development of Playwrighting by Dušan Jovanović. Jezik in slovstvo. 5/2004. 49–66.
Dušan Jovanović, whose dramatic opus has gone from Luddism and engaged political drama enwrapped into playful intertextuality and enclosed by sharp, gallows satire, developing into sensitive intimate playwriting and making a return to gallows humour, is one of the most expressive contemporary Slovene playwrights. According to research in literary history and criticism, the true value of his plays, written so that they can be added to and altered during their staging, is in the fact that they are a witty account of both the Slovene present and recent past. The article is an analysis of Jovanović’s dramatic opus, focusing on the numerous novelties and idiosyncrasies of the playwright’s poetics, which have influenced the development of Slovene playwrighting in the second half of the 20th century.

Boštjan Božič: Življenje in delo Vide Taufer,. Jezik in slovstvo. 5/2004. 67–79.
V pričujočem članku bomo obudili spomin na življenje in delo pesnice Vide Taufer (1903–1966), ki je začel kljub obetavnim kritikam za časa življenja po njeni smrti naglo bledeti. Vida Taufer, ki jo odlikuje iskrena, pristno občutena in uglašena lirika, iz katere je čutiti usodo in miselnost prenekatere slovenske ženske, rojene v prvi polovici dvajsetega stoletja, se v novejših literarnih zgodovinah in pregledih pojavlja le še mimogrede, zgodi pa se celo, da je sploh ne obravnavajo.

Boštjan Božič: The Life and Work of Vida Taufer. Jezik in slovstvo. 5/2004. 67–79.
The present article is a recollection of memories from the life and work of poet Vida Taufer (1903–1966), who in spite of promising reviews during her lifetime, has begun to fall into oblivion. In recent literary histories and surveys, Vida Taufer, who excelled in honest, genuinely felt harmonious lyricism radiating the faith and mentality of many a Slovene woman born during the first half of the 20th century, appears only sporadically, or is not considered at all.

Stefan Simonek: Svet dunajskih parkov pri Ivanu Cankarju in Ivu Vojnoviću,. Jezik in slovstvo. 5/2004. 81–90.
Park in vrt je mogoče razumeti kot bistvena elementa dunajskega družbenega in estetskega urbanega besedila. Slovanski pisci iz srednje Evrope, ki so prišli na Dunaj študirat ali delat, so ga povsem različno interpretirali zaradi družbenih ozadij, iz katerih so izhajali; od skrajne revščine do blaginje. Z interpretacijami so poudarjali različne segmente urbanega besedila, medtem ko so drugim elementom posvečali manj pozornosti ali jih celo izpuščali. V prispevku se posvečamo različnosti dojemanja urbanega besedila ob motivu parka v »dunajski« prozi dveh predstavnikov literarne moderne v južnoslovanskem prostoru: slovenskega pisatelja Ivana Cankarja in hrvaškega pisatelja Iva Vojnovića.

Stefan Simonek: The World of Vienna Parks in the Works of Ivan Cankar and Ivo Vojnović. Jezik in slovstvo. 5/2004. 81–90.
A park and a garden can be perceived as the two fundamental elements of the Viennese social and aesthetic urban text. Because of their social background, coming either from complete poverty or from a prosperous background, Slavonic writers from Central Europe who went to Vienna to study or work, assumed a completely different approach in their interpretations of these two elements. Their interpretations laid emphasis on the different segments of the urban text, while paying less attention to other elements, or even entirely omitting them. The article focuses on the difference in perception of the urban text based on the motif of park in the “Viennese” prose of two representatives of the modernist movement in the southern Slavonic area: the Slovene writer Ivan Cankar, and the Croatian writer Ivo Vojnović.