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Slovenska knjizevnost
Urednistvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Tomaz Sajovic

Umetnostno besedilo in jezikoslovje
Literary Text and Linguistics

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Glavni namen clanka je razmisljanje o zadrzanem in negotovem razmerju jezikoslovnih ved do umetnostnih besedil oz. umetnostnega jezika, kar negativno vpliva tudi na njihovo razmerje do neumetnostnih besedil. Pri razmisljanju se je avtor oprl tudi na spoznanja J. R. Searla, J. Mukaovskega, R. Jakobsona, H.-P. Bayerdörferja in B. Pogorelec ter D. Pirjevca, G. W. F. Hegla in M. Heideggra.


 - English synopsis

The article discusses the reserved and hesitant attitude of linguistics towards literary texts and literary language, which has a negative consequence also in their attitude towards non-literary texts. In developing his ideas, the author refers to J. R. Searle, J. Mukaovsky, R. Jakobson, H.- P. Bayerdörfer, B. Pogorelec, and to D. Pirjevec. G. W. F. Hegel, and M. Heidegger.


 - English summary

The article discusses the reserved and hesitant attitude of linguistics towards literary texts and literary language, which has a negative consequence also in their attitude towards non-literary texts. Building on the work of J. R. Searle, J. Mukaovsky, R. Jakobson, H.-P. Bayerdörfer, B. Pogorelec, as well as that of D. Pirjevec, G. W. F. Hegel, and M. Heidegger, the author concludes that the main objective of Slovene linguistics is to expand, using modern scientific methods, the field of research --- both in literary and non-literary texts --- bearing in mind that it its existence every text, and a literary one in particular, is more than just an object of research. This idiosyncracy has to be taken seriously, if linguistics is to be loyal to texts, even though it cannot be described in the manner of exact scientific disciplines. At the same time, linguistics must not forget various procedures used to achieve markedness, which give language its historical dimensions. In this sense, studies of the history of Slovene literary texts turn out to be one of the fundamental tasks of Slovene linguistics, and the computerized corpus of Slovene literary texts (the FIDA corpus) an indispensable tool in this work.


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