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Slovenska knjizevnost
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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Vesna Gomezel Mikolic

Povezanost narodne in jezikovne zavesti
Links Between National and Language Identity Awareness

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

V prispevku poskusamo na novo definirati pojma narodna in jezikovna zavest ter analizirati njuno medsebojno razmerje. Po vzpostavitvi slovenske nacionalne drzave in ob procesih evropskega povezovanja in svetovne globalizacije prihaja v Sloveniji do pomembnih premikov na podrocju etnicne identitete, zato nas je zanimalo, kaksen bo pomen narodne in jezikovne zavesti za slovenski narod v prihodnosti.


 - English synopsis

The article attempts to redefine the concepts of national and language identity awareness and to analyze their mutual relationship. With its newly-gained political sovereignty and the impact of processes of European integration and world-wide globalisation, Slovenia has been experiencing dramatic changes in the field of ethnic identity. It is therefore pertinent to examine what the significance of national and language identity awareness is going to be for the Slovene nation in the future.


 - English summary

The article attempts to redefine the concepts of national and language identity awareness and to analyze their mutual relationship. Ethnicity is approached from sociological, anthropological and psychological points of view. Two levels of ethnic identity are postulated: a lower, passive one (feeling of belonging to an ethnic/national group, or ethnic/national indentity in the narrow sense of the word) and a higher, active one (national identity comprising a cognitive, emotional and active/dynamic component). A relationship similar to that existing between nationality and national identity awareness can be said to exist also between one's (first) language and language identity awareness. Namely, similarly as belonging to a nation is a given fact that may exist independently of an individual's deliberate decision, one is also given their first language with which one meets immediately after birth. However, what attitude one is going to develop towards their nationality and their language, i.e. how one's national and language identity awareness is going to develop, depends on their own activities and on social circumstances in which they live. Language identity awareness, can be, similarly as national identity awareness, analysed in terms of its cognitive, emotional and active/dynamic components.


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