Dragica Haramija
Tipologija slovenske mladinske realisticne avanturisticne proze
Typology of Slovene Realistic Adventure Prose for the Young
Slovenski sinopsis
English synopsis
English summary
Slovenski sinopsis
Slovenska mladinska realisticna avanturisticna proza je zgradbeno,
snovno, tematsko in motivno precej homogena. Zanr se deli v sest tipov:
pomorska avanturisticna proza, potopisna avanturisticna proza, sportna
avanturisticna proza, taborniska avanturisticna proza, otroska
detektivka in vsakdanje dogodivscine.
English synopsis
Slovene realistic adventure prose for the young is relatively homogenous
as regards the structure, subject matter, themes and motifs. The genre
is divided into six types (maritime adventure prose, travel adventure
prose, sports adventure prose, scouts' adventure prose, children's
detective stories and everyday experiences).
English summary
Authors writing realistic adventure prose for the young in Slovenia are:
Milan Dekleva, Mate Dolenc, Brane Dolinar, Oskar Hudales, Anton Ingolic,
Branka Jurca, Spela Kuclar, Mirko Kuncic, Vitan Mal, Mimi Malensek, Miha
Matè, Natasa Mrvar, Desa Muck, Bogdan Novak, Slavko Pregl, Joze
Rode, Smiljan Rozman, Tone Seliskar, Ivan Sivec, Leopold Suhadolcan,
Primoz Suhadolcan, Polona Skrinjar, Janja Vidmar, Dragotin I. Vresnik,
Venceslav Winkler, Pavle Zidar, Ivo Zorman in Dim Zupan. The total of
approximately 90 books proves that this is a quantitatively very strong
literary genre.
The main feature of the realistic adventure genre is an exploit
triggered by a solvable --- insolvable problem that is eventually
happily resolved. Its positive characters as children, usually fighting
against negative adult characters, their thefts, kidnapping, etc.
Slovene realistic adventure prose for the young is of six different
types: maritime adventure prose, travel adventure prose, sports
adventure prose, scouts' adventure prose, children's detective stories
and everyday experiences.