Kodni sistem
Slovenska knjizevnost
Urednistvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Horst Dippong

Tehnika oziralne zveze in oziralni zaimki
The Technique of the Relative Relation and Relative Pronouns

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Pricujoci prispevek posvecam oziralnim odvisnikom. Cemu se ukvarjam z oziralnimi zaimki in zakaj se mi zdijo zanimive oziralne besede? Na to vprasanje obstajata vsaj dva odgovora. Prvi bi bil, da zato, ker se oziralna tehnika pri tvorjenju vecstavcnih povedi bistveno razlikuje od drugih tehnik tvorjenja povedi, drugi pa, da zato, ker se zdi, da ima slovenscina zanimiv sistem oziralnih zaimkov: kdor, kdorkoli, kateri, cigar, kar, kjer ... ter posebno zanimiv status besede ki. Prispevek se omejuje na samostalniske in posamostaljene oziralne besede tipa kdor, ki, kater-, ob strani pa pusca prislovne (kadar, kjer ...) in pridevniske zaimke (kakrsen, kolikrsen in kater-).


 - English synopsis

The article deals with relative clauses. In the formation of complex sentences, the relative technique is fundamentally different from the other available procedures. In the Slovene language, it is additionally interesting because of its set of relative pronouns (kdor, kdorkoli, kateri, cigar, kar, kjer ...) and the unclear status of the word ki. The discussion is limited to the nominal and nominalized relative words of the type kdor, ki, kater-, leaving aside adverbial (kadar, kjer ...) and adjectival relative words (kakrsen, kolikrsen in kater-).


 - English summary

The article deals with the syntactic model for description of the relative technique. It has been developed within a variety of dependency syntax. Two possible techniques of forming sentences that can be used arbitrarily are presented: (a) lexical, and (b) conjunctive and prepositional.

The model is applied to the system of relative pronouns in Slovene. Slovene has an interesting set of relative words --- autosemantic words capable of combining with others --- but a single relative pronoun, viz. kater- as a full form and ki (ki ga, ki mu, etc.) as a short variant. The author focuses on the word ki, which is in linguistic literature classified either as a relative pronoun or as a conjunction. In his view, both treatments are synchronically correct, depending on the grammatical model or the division of competence between morphology and syntax in a grammatical model. Which option will be selected depends on the objective of research. Classifying ki as a conjunction appears syntactically simpler, but it would disrupt numerous morphological and logical relations in the language system: (1) ki and kater- would not be in a complementary morphological relation but would belong to two alternative means for complex sentence formation; (2) there would be two parallel techniques, the conjunctive ki and the relative kater-, that would perform the same syntactic function, viz. linking a subordinate clause to a superordinate noun; (3) a sentence with the conjunction ki could be without an expressed subject (of the type Clovek, ki je rekel ...) in the subordinate clause, etc.


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