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Zlata Sundalic'
O legendi v neprvotnem kontekstu
(v Cankarjevem besedilu Hoja v solo)
About the Legend in the Non-original Context
(In Cankar's Text Going to School)
Slovenski sinopsis
English synopsis
English summary
The original simple form can exist only in an original context (an archaic society, agrafian time). Thus in the folk song The Holy Family and a Robber the following characteristics of a legend can be found: the main character, Marija, belongs to this world, but she is lifted above the average inhabitants of the Earth with special qualities of her characteristics: there follows a process in which she becomes a saint: Marija (servus Dei) has heroic virtues and can perform miracles (she heals a child and converts a criminal), with witnesses to vouch for it, and the Church sanctifies her; after beatification there ensues canonization.
In Cankar's Going to School the legend emerges in a specific way. Here, too, the central character in the mother, the active virtues of whom are because of their qualities likewise immitable. However, the person who immitates them (the son-narrator) is not consistent in doing so. That is why with Cankar the active virtue is not represented in a miracle (as in an original simple form), but in the record mode: the mother's optimism is in fact the record with regard to the son's pessimism and incredulity. A legend can therefore appear also in a non-original context, only that it assumes a changed and slightly effaced form.